Schedule up to 5 active campaigns simultaneously
Email sequences of up to 4 email follow-ups per campaign
Limit number of emails sent per day
Staggered email delivery so that emails appear like they're coming from a person
Unsubscribe link
Short tracking URLs for the highest possible deliverability rate
The most accurate email status tracker (read, bounced, clicked, replied, and unsubscribed) all in real-time
Easily add personalized attachments from Google Drive - the actual file not a link
Easily add static attachments from Google Drive - the actual file not a link
Cancel active campaigns at any time
Send emails from aliases
Product support via email 7 days a week / 16 hours a day, talk directly to the creator
Easily import all Google contacts with the click of a button
Organized Gmail labels all nested under the GOMM label name
Includes all of the features in the individual plan
Premium support via phone and email 7 days a week / 16 hours a day, talk directly to the creator